Saturday, July 4, 2009

Awful Black Jokes

And To Think, These Were Sent To Us By A Friend Who Just Happens To Be An American Of Hispanic Decent Married To An American Woman Of Color. Proving That Humor Has No Color.

Q: What happens when you stick you hand in a jar of jellybeans?
A: The black ones steal your watch.

Q: How do you start a black parade?
A: Roll a 40 down the street.

Q: Why do blacks bury their dead upside down?
A: Use em as bike racks.

Q: How did they improve the transportation in harlem?
A: Move the trees closer together.

Q: What did the black girl say while having sex?
A: Dad get off me your crushing my ciggs.

Q: Why are black people like jelly beans?
A: No one likes the black ones.

Q: What do you call a school bus full of black people?
A: A rotten banana

Q: What was the only thing missing from the million man march?
A. An auctionner

Q: How long does it take a black lady to shit?
A: 9 months.

Q: What do you call 100 black guys buried from the neck down?
A: Afroturf.

Q: Why are blacks afried of lawnmowers?
A: Beacuse it gose run nigger nigger run.

Q: What do you call a barn full of blacks?
A: Antique farm equipment.

Q: What do u call a black priest?
A: Holy shit

Q: What does the BFI on the dumpsters stand for?
A: Black Family Inside

Q: Have you ever seen a black person on the jetsons?
A: NO. Looks like a good future doesn't it?

Q: What do you call a black person in a three piece suit?
A: Will the defendent please rise.

Q: What do u do when your sitting in the dark and your tv starts to float?
A: You turn on the lights and shoot the black people.

Q: What do you call 20,000 black people at the bottom of the ocean?
A: A good start.

Q: What's the difference between a dead skunk in the road and a dead black person in the road?
A: There's skid marks in front of the skunk.

Q: Why are black people so good at Basketball?
A: Cause all you have to do is RUN ... SHOOT ... and STEAL

Q: What do you do if you see a black man flopping around on the ground?
A: Stop laughing and reload

Q: What Do You call Mike Tyson if he has no arms or legs?
A: Nigger, Nigger, Nigger!!!!

Q: What do you call a group of blacks in the ocean?
A: An oil spill

Q: What do you call a pool full of black kids?
A: Cocoa puffs

Q: What do you call a 80 year old black guy?
A: Antique farm equipment.

Q: Why do police dogs lick their balls?
A: To get the taste of negro out of thier mouths

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